Home / Sample Menu


This mouth watering page of past menu items is here to give you an example of what we have to offer when our weekly menu isn't live + available!

Every Friday we release a newly curated menu with meals plus bulk protein/carb options (and sometimes cookies).

A list of ingredients, a love note from Chef Noah, macronutrients and known family allergies will always be provided within each meal description just like you see here.

Want in? See how we operate, here.

We utilize Instagram to share even more. Check us out @topsetmealservices.

Return of The MAC: BBQ & Mac n’ Cheese


Return of The MAC: BBQ & Mac n’ Cheese | Sharp Cheddar & Cooper Mac n’ Cheese. House Cheese Sauce. BBQ Grilled Pork Tenderloin. Sautéed Organic Asparagus. Fresh Herbs. Crispy Garlic.

Due to personal requests from you, my family. Pretty much 90% of you all said either burger bowls or Mac n Cheese and honestly, I’m feeling cheesy and rather frisky. So, let's do it. Smother me in cheese and call me Shirley! I am here for a good time, not a long time! This will slap you in the mouth and then kiss you simultaneously! Should be electric.
- Chef Noah

Known family allergies: Gluten (noodles). Dairy (cheese).

Macronutrients in 1 Base Meal
Calories - 692Kcal
Fat - 28g
Carbohydrates - 54g
Protein (6oz) - 56g

Deez Sensational Balls: Teriyaki Beef Meatball (GF)


Deez Sensational Balls: Teriyaki Beef Meatballs | Stuffed Right Full Angus Meatball. Teriyaki Sauce. Sesame Organic Green Beans. Lime Slice. Sesame. Chive. Jasmine Rice.(GF)

My favorite style. Something about teriyaki beef meatballs just makes me feel like - for a moment - everything is right in this world. The stars align, my hairline has grown back, gas is reasonably priced and everyone waves back to me. The good life. These are time consuming and silly, but sometimes love be like that! Let’s pretend I’m Willy Wonka and instead of a candy + chocolate factory, it’s a meatball fantasy land and you all got a personalized golden ticket to come and hang with me. You can eat as many meatballs as you want! I won’t tell. 
- Chef Noah

Known Family Allergies: Dairy (in the meatball). Soy (ingredient in teriyaki sauce). Sesame (green beans + sprinkled on top). Lime.

Macronutrients in 1 Base Meal
Calories - 661Kcal
Fat - 25g
Carbohydrates - 55g
Protein (~8oz) - 54g

Grilled Flank Steak, Cheese Tortellini & Seared Zucchini


Fresh Protein Cheese Tortellini. Grilled Prime Angus Flank Steak. Seared Zucchini. Brown Sauce. Feta.

Tortellini will be tossed with avocado oil, fresh rosemary, thyme, garlic & parmesan. This will be a layered dish. YUM!
- Chef Noah

Known Family Allergies: Gluten (tortellini). Dairy (feta)

Macronutrients in 1 Base Meal
Calories - 618cal
Fat - 18g
Carbohydrates - 52g
Protein (6oz) - 62g